The internet is an electronic highway connecting thousands of computers all over the world.  Along with access to computers, information, and people all over the world also comes the availability of resources, subjects, and materials that may be considered offensive and/or inappropriate in nature or may not contain any educational value in a school setting.  In an effort to protect students, teachers, and other staff members from such things, Robert Treat Academy has created this Acceptable Use Policy to help prevent and deter any user from intentionally or unintentionally harming, or exposing themselves or others.  An acceptable use policy or AUP is a list of rules and guidelines which clearly states the conditions in which a user may use the RTA computer network. 


Students, teachers, parents and community members will have access to the filtered and monitored internet access, electronic mail, and other school owned or operated resources.  This access is not a right, it is a privilege, and as such each user will be responsible for 100% of their actions and their consequences.  Users are reminded that technology changes all the time and it is virtually impossible to create a list of every single thing a user should or should not do.  In an event where an action is not listed as a rule and you are unsure of what to do in a certain situation, the user should consult an adult or supervisor, and practice common sense and netiquette before making a decision. 


            Although the AUP is a school made and enforced policy, it is important to note that in some cases where a rule is broken, legal action against you may be necessary.  With the growing popularity of social networking and video/photo websites, it is important to note to the user that anything posted on any site that contains school content, such as documents, pictures, videos, uniforms and logos, or media containing video or photos of other students/teachers/staff without the permission of the school or person is strictly prohibited!  This is both a safety and legal issue, as all students attending Robert Treat Academy are minors.  Remember that anything posted on the internet immediately becomes public information no matter who has access to your site.  Once made public anyone, not just the school, can potentially use the information for their own purposes.


            Your signatures show that you have read and that you accept the following rules.  If you violate these rules future access may be denied.  In addition, depending on the severity of the situation you may receive detention, suspension, expulsion, or in extreme situations legal actions may be taken against you.


Rules and Guidelines:

  1. I will not access my personal e-mail accounts, social networking account or internet chat accounts at school.
  2. I understand school e-mail may be used under certain educational conditions and only with the permission of a teacher.
  3. I will not transmit any e-mail that includes material that is vulgar, rude, obscene, pornographic, inflammatory, threatening, harassing, disrespectful or which uses sexually explicit language.
  4. I will never post any information more personal than my first name nor will I post pictures or videos of myself or peers related to or taken in school.
  5. I will never access another student's account in order to pose as them or look at their personal content. I will advise the user or a teacher if I come across their open account.
  6. I will not plagiarize; instead I will expand on others' ideas and give credit where it is due.
  7. I will not insult my fellow students or their writing.
  8. I will not bully others in my blog posts, online comments, or any other media forum
  9. I will not provoke other students in my blog posts, online comments or any other media forum.
  10. I will not spam (including, but not limited to meaningless messages, mass messages, repetitive messages, offensive and inappropriate messages)
  11. I will not reveal a home address or phone numbers of myself or others.
  12. I will not write anything that I would not want read in a newspaper. I understand that I waive the right to privacy once I post something online.
  13. I will not destroy data, hardware or software (including the uploading, creation, or spreading of computer viruses).
  14. I will not install or download any software onto any RTA device, whether legal or illegal.
  15. I will not listen to music, watch videos or play games, unless they are deemed educational in nature by a teacher and only when I have permission by a teacher.
  16. I will not seek out inappropriate, harmful, pornographic, obscene, or any material that may advocate hate, violence, harassment and discrimination towards others.
  17. If by accident I come across inappropriate material, or know of someone who is accessing inappropriate material, I will immediately inform an adult in charge.
  18. I will be polite and only use language, materials and other resources that are appropriate for school.
  19. I will use constructive/productive/purposeful criticism, supporting any idea, comment, or critique I have with evidence.
  20. I will take all online content creation seriously, posting only things that are meaningful and taking my time when I write.
  21. I will respect the public nature of online information, and in doing so, I will respect the wishes of my fellow students for keeping their information (full name, compromising stories, etc.) private.
  22. I understand that the school district has the right to review any material I create or handle on school computers.
  23. I understand that if I damage any school property while in my care I am responsible for payment for replacement.
  24. I understand that use of the internet and other RTA owned and operated resources are for educational purposes only.
  25. I understand that the school is not liable for damages, including viruses caused by school computers.  The school does not guarantee that all services and programs will be available at all times.  The school network may be unavailable at times because of maintenance and other things of that nature.




Robert Treat Academy has decided to provide students grades 4-8, with a safe and monitored electronic mail (e-mail) account for educational purposes.  Your child may access their email either online or at home, and will typically use it for classroom-based activities, and group projects.   These accounts are monitored and contain systems in place that will help maintain a safe “online” environment.  In an effort to protect students, teachers, and other staff members, Robert Treat Academy has created this Acceptable Use Policy to help prevent and deter any user from intentionally or unintentionally harming, hurting or exposing themselves or others.  An acceptable use policy or AUP is a list of rules and guidelines which clearly states the conditions in which a user may use the RTA computer network. 


Students will have access to the filtered and monitored electronic mail, on and off site.  This access is not a right, it is a privilege, and as such each user will be responsible for 100% of their actions and their consequences.  Users are reminded that technology changes all the time and it is virtually impossible to create a list of every single thing a user should or should not do.  In an event where an action is not listed as a rule and you are unsure of what to do in a certain situation, the user should consult an adult or supervisor, and practice common sense and netiquette before making a decision. 


            Although the AUP is a school made and enforced policy, it is important to note that in some cases where a rule is broken, legal action against you may be necessary.  Anything sent or attached in an email that contains school content, such as documents, pictures, videos, uniforms and logos, or media containing video or photos of other students/teachers/staff without the permission of the school or person is strictly prohibited!  This is both a safety and legal issue, as all students attending Robert Treat Academy are minors.  Remember that anything e-mailed is monitored and archived for further review.


            Your signatures show that you have read and that you accept the following rules.  If you violate these rules future access may be denied.  In addition, depending on the severity of the situation you may receive detention, suspension, expulsion, or in extreme situations legal actions may be taken against you.


Rules and Guidelines:

  1. I will not access my personal e-mail accounts, social networking account or internet chat accounts at school.
  2. I understand school e-mail may be used under certain educational conditions and only with the permission of a teacher.
  3. I will not transmit any e-mail that includes material that is vulgar, rude, obscene, pornographic, inflammatory, threatening, harassing, disrespectful or which uses sexually explicit language.
  4. I will not send copyrighted material unless I have permission to do so.
  5. I will never email any information more personal than my first name nor will I attach pictures or videos of myself or peers related to or taken in school.
  6. I will never access another student's account in order to pose as them or look at their personal content. I will advise the user or a teacher if I come across their open account.
  7. I will not spam (including, but not limited to meaningless messages, mass messages, repetitive messages, offensive and inappropriate messages)
  8. I will not reveal a home address or phone numbers of myself or others.
  9. I will be polite and only transmit language, materials and other resources that are appropriate for school.
  10. I will respect the public nature of online information, and in doing so, I will respect the wishes of my fellow students for keeping their information (full name, compromising stories, etc.) private.
  11. I understand that the school district has the right to review any material I create or handle on school computers.
  12. I understand that use of e-mail issued by RTA is for educational purposes only.


This portion of the Acceptable Use Policy must be signed and returned to school to be placed in your child’s folder in the Main Office. Please keep pages 1-3 as a reminder for your children.


Student Section


I have read the policy and rules, agree to follow them, and understand all of the potential consequences when breaking them.


Name:                    ___________________________      Homeroom:     _______________


Student Signature:            ___________________________      Date:               _______________


Parent or Guardian


I have read the attached Internet Access Agreement.  I acknowledge and agree to the conditions set forth in these documents.


I recognize and accept that the Robert Treat Academy and its employees cannot guarantee that my child’s access to the network will not include exposure to adult and/or otherwise offensive material.  In consideration for the privilege of my student using the Robert Treat Academy Internet service and in consideration for having access to the Internet and E-mail, I hereby release the Robert Treat Academy, its administration, and staff from any liability.  I have also read this document with my child and now understand the schools disciplinary actions and legal ramifications my child may face when violating the policy.


Parent Name:        ___________________________     


Parent Signature:   ___________________________      Date:               _______________





(Revised 2/2013)